
Doing things for all the wrong reasons may be the right thing to do, when in all reality you should have done the right thing for the right reason.  Yeah, doesn't make sense to me either.  Confusion.  It's like playing that song you love so much over 100 times just to learn the lyrics and incorporate the meaning into your life.  Were they written just for you, you're thinking, must have been.

You think something is exactly that and it's not or you think it's not and it's more.  What the heck.  Why aren't things simple?  I'm not saying bring me the answers on a silver platter, just a clue, small one, yeah signs, I know.  I see them, but there has got to be more, something tangible.  My head spins at times thinking about things, everything, big things, small things, that's the analyzing part of me, I suppose. This is where I would lust like to smack the crap out of a few choice people, who know me.  Don't tell me stuff, you know I will over-analyze the entire situation, the analyze it again.  More than likely come back to where I started, then the outcome will become clear, eventually, but I have to play every scenario in my head and yours, if I am talking to you about it. I do mean every one.  I will not stop either, this is something my oldest can't stand either.  I don't let things go, yeah I'm working on it, but it can be a great trait in certain situations.  Being aloof is not in my character whatsoever.  I pick through and find everything, every facet, every detail.  Then wonder endlessly.  If you know me, you know.

Am I wrong, right (usually) about what will happen, or what is going to happen.  I do not like to let down people or be let down, too negative.  There is enough negativity in the world today to add to that.
Looking back, maybe I don't fly by the seat of my pants as often as I should, but when I do, I am prepared.

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