Be happy

Who are the Jones' and why do we have to keep up with them?  What makes them better than you or the Johnsons' or even the Smiths?  You move into a glorious neighborhood and look around, new to the area and make a few friends when people just look at you like you don't really belong there, like you aren't quite "up to their standards".  What do you do?  You do what half of the other people in the society does, they go out and spend all the money they don't have, they buy more "stuff".  Stuff they can't in all reality can't afford and will take them in all actuality 30 years to pay off if they should make the minimum payment on the high interest credit card.

Next, they decide to get a new vehicle, why?  Maybe it's the fact that they are going through a mid-life crisis, or so, again, society tells them they are.  Could be the fact that the neighbor just bought that new Escalade and they need to have a new one too, hmm?  Keeping up with the Jones' are you?  Tuesday comes and you get a phone call, "Hey, we're having a "little" get together this weekend, come on over".  Oh surely you have to go.  Off you go and see all the latest technology they have and now it's a must have for you.  Within a few short months, possibly weeks you now have the up to date latest big screen along with anything else you can add to make yourself fit in.  Why would you put yourself so far in debt to do this?  Don't you already fit in or are you just trying to be someone you aren't?  I understand that you would like to have a great entertainment room if thats what you truly want, as I have one and enjoy it a lot, but if you don't ever use it and are just getting one to show off or to be like everyone else, then why?  Why keep up with the Jones'?  Why put yourself in a class with everyone else when we are all truly different.  If everyone was cut from the same cookie cutter, then the world would be boring, not to mention basically crime-free and peaceful.  Think about it. It would be great, but not realistic, this, my friends is a fantasy world. If every person was the same, how would you be able to tell everyone apart?  Be yourself and let people love you for who you are and not who you think they will love.  Don't become a statistic and try to keep up with anyone but yourself.

Being like everyone else doesn't give any impression other than being fake and being fake doesn't give any impression other than you have no idea who you are.  If you don't know who you are, sit back, reflect and remember why you are happy.  If you aren't happy, find your happiness, hold onto it and once you are happy with you it shows.  Showing you are happy, just secretes out of your body naturally and once that happens, all else follows.  Happy people are contagious.  Pretty soon, the Jones' would much rather be you, happy.      

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