Are you positive or negative?

What kind of person are you?  Are you a positive or a negative type of person?  There are only two types really.  I know we can all be both positive and negative at times, but we have just one tendency.

Me, I'm a positive person.  Oh yeah, I do get negative, as in I have to do some venting from time to time, but I turn it around and find the positive out of everything.  Negative people seem to be attracted to me, all the time and it's fine for the most part, but sometimes it drives me insane.  I mean when they are just always negative and they don't have a positive thing to say, ever, never.  Come on, really.  Can't they just for once agree or say yes or even maybe.

I would love for the chance to make them be the character that Jim Carey played in the film, Yes Man.  Now that was funny and great to me.  He was a guy who said no to everyone and was, well kind of brain washed into saying yes to everyone otherwise bad things would happen to him.  I thought it was great.

Anyway, in the end it just made him realize that in the end if you open up your mind and be positive, good things can come out of it and being negative is exactly that, negative.  I'm not saying its bad to say no, because there are times you need to say no, like say no to drugs and say no to dangerous and illegal things or if your kids are doing something wrong.

For the most part a baby's first word after "mama" and "dada" is "no", but that is only because it is rote, you know told to them repeatedly so they are just saying it back to you.  "No, don't touch", or "no, you can't have that".  This is not the negativity I am talking about.

The negativity I am talking about is the one from the movie and for those of you who haven't seen it, it's the bad energy and/or feeling you get when you  when you talk or meet someone that you just really don't want to continue talking to because they bring you down every time you hang around with them.  You know who I'm talking about.  We all have friends like that.  Oh yeah, got you thinking, huh.  They call you just to vent or if they need something, never just to chat or let's say, just hang out and want to talk about funny stuff like people watching in the mall or the weather or politics.  The conversation always turns into them, ahhhhhh.  Do you have a few or even one particular person in mind?  Now take that person and see if you can get positive energy from them.

Positive energy is wonderful.  I know opposites attract, it's natural like a magnet.  This may be why they are always coming back to you for what they call advice, but it's really not, it's like crack or candy to a baby.  They need you or another positive person and in a way you need them, but you really don't because you are already positive so you really don't.  They need you to become neutral or stable for a while until they get so negative again they need their fix.  This is my thoughts anyway.  I have thought a lot about this subject, because I have a handful of negative friends or at least I feel that they are or they are neutral and need that fix to be positive.

So what happens is that they call you or come over and vent, or get your advice on something get your positive flow they move on for a while.  It's almost draining at times.  Then after a while you don't hear from most of them until they need something again.  Some of them need this more often than others and may look in several different places for this positive energy.

I am not saying that there is anything wrong with this at all, because we all need someone, we really do.  But, what I am saying is that we should always look in different places for positive energy.  You can talk to different positive people to gain this fantastic energy.  It doesn't have to always be from one person, because it can be draining on one person.

So in the long run, you need to find out what type of person you are positive or negative and once that is done you need to find out if you are a giver or a taker.  This can also be easily figured out.  And that is a whole other issue in itself.

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