
I have to admit it.  I love google.  I know, I know it may sound crazy or nuts, whatever you may want to call it, but I do.  I mean I have encyclopedias and dictionaries in my home, but google is so fast and it just makes it easy.  There are so may search engines out there like google.  There are ones like Bing, Yahoo search,, AltaVista, Cuil, Excite,, HotBot, AllTheWeb, Galaxy, Live search, Lycos, Giga Blast, and Alexa Internet just to name a few of the general or all purpose search engines.  Ask Jeeves was one that was quite good for some times but they closed the doors or retired to put it in better words after 10 years and takes you directly to

There are so many search engine sites that have come and gone or merged that it makes it hard to keep up with.  I have used Google since they started in 1995.  It seems like a lot longer to me, because I have had a computer since well, lets just say since a very long time and they were very expensive.

My first computer was a Tandy.  Well actually it was an Atari 5200 with a keyboard that you could actually program it to the TV to run commands, then it was my Tandy which I still own.  It was from the early 1990's.  I can remember having an internet connection dial-up speed of 9600 and that was with Prodigy, haha.  Now that was something.  It was 94-95 and I was so happy when the internet speed was upped to 14400 then it just kept getting faster to the point that I had to build up my computer.  Woo hoo, it was great.  I can even remember what the heck I did online then, but all I know is I think it was around $20-$30 a month.  I watched the internet era upgrade fast and it was wonderful.  I went from calling it the World Wide Web to WWW.  Now I own a Mac.  I love my Mac.

I was totally a PC person for a long time.  I could tear it apart and put it back together agin top to bottom, inside out.  It didn't matter what was wrong with it.  The you have the people out there who just want to wreak havoc and create viruses and trojans etc., why?  Who knows.  For something to do I guess.  For the fun of it or just because they can and they are getting back at someone for something the did or didn't do to them.  Well whatever the reason it just became too much for me and I crossed over to the Apple side.  I am not saying I still don't use my PC here and again, but I do prefer my Mac over the PC.

I can still do the same things online and more as the PC, so I am quite happy.

Anyway, the internet search abilities became endless and the possibilities were just so incredible for everyone.  Whenever something better came or improved it was just 10-fold every time.  I believe this was the beginning of the new age of the technical era or the turning point.  Now that its nearly 20 years later look at what we have around us today.  Computers that practically run themselves, cars that don't need keys to start, keyless tablets; phones that are just incredible to play with, work with and utilize all the way around as well as  appliances that have the same computer knowledge built into them.

As for the internet, it has grown so much that nearly everyone uses it every day for some reason or another.  I would put a bet down on it.  I know that 90% plus of all my friends and family use the internet at least once a day to look up something, does yours?

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