How do you sleep?

There are so many ways you can actually sleep.  I mean on your side, either one or your back or your stomach.  Then with that in mind you can sleep all curled up in a ball or spread out all over your bed.  Last night, well forget it, I didn't even get under my covers.  I went and got one of my mom's hand crocheted blanked she made me and just put it over me and thats how I slept on my back then woke up on my stomach.

I usually sleep on my side but for some reason yesterday was different.  I wasn't feeling to good, by back was killing me and my neck so I was just laying in bed trying to rest got the chills and fell asleep.  I hat it when that happens because I feel as if I didn't sleep at all.  A restless nights sleep.  I love to be snuggled and warm when I sleep, but comfortable.  Not too hot, but too cold forget it.  I always have to have my ceiling fan on.  I think that is just a mind thing now.

When I was still married my ex used to crack the window every night and it drove me nuts because I slept on the window side of the bed.  He didn't get the full effect of the below freezing air coming in in the dead middle of winter, I did.  I would have to sleep in sweat pants and a sweat shirt with 2 blankets and I would still freeze.  He snored and I mean loud.  It didn't matter what I did, he was loud.  It drove me nuts.  The worst part was that he swore he didn't snore.  I had to tape record him to make him believe me.  He tried everything to stop but nothing worked.

  Now that we aren't together ( I hear the angels singing above me, ahhhhh) I sleep however, but no window cracked and I sleep wonderfully.  It's simply amazing. One thing I still do is have the ceiling fan on.  I wonder if it was the sound I use to drown out his snoring before.  I do have tinnitus and the noise of the ceiling fan helps, so that could be it.  I always keep music or a TV on for that reason, background noise.

Anyway, last night I fell asleep on my back, woke up on my stomach and have an aching tailbone today along with my neck.  If you have read my blog you will know I have Arnold Chiari Malformation which  affects how I am everyday, but ouch today, big-time and it sucks because its a nice day out.  Not that I was going jogging, ever LMAO! That would for sure make my brain feel like it was rattling around or loosening up for sure.  I can't imagine a really great nights sleep, I don't ever think I had one.  I know it must be grand.  No, wait!  I did have one, but I can't consider that sleep.  In November 05' when I had my brain surgery and I was under anesthesia for like 12 hours I was in ICU for 6 days then the regular ward then they sent me home.  When I got home no one was poking or prodding me for blood tests or anything and I can remember laying down to sleep because I was just so tired.  I did sleep, not for a long time, but I remember it being restful, peaceful, so if that is any inclination of what a great nights sleep is I want it one day.

Well maybe there should be a medicine that has anesthesia medication in it for sleeping because it worked all except I don't remember a damn thing.  Then again it was brain surgery.  Oh heck, all I want is a good nights sleep say 3 times a week.  I sleep ok, but not really good.  How do you sleep?

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