Where we are?

Do you have any idea where you are?  OK wise ass, I hear you and no I don't mean sitting in front of your computer reading this.  I mean where are you in life.  Is this where you planned to be?  Is this who you wanted to be?  Did you ever want to be here and really, I mean really did you expect to turn out this good or bad or even nearly as close to what you had expected?

Come on now, seriously.  Ask yourself.  Is this where I want to be in life?  You have a great job, or not so great job.  My boss is a complete jerk and pig-headed, he can't seem to get enough of himself and is so vain that he has mirrors all around the office as well as his name plastered everywhere, well after all the business is his and it is named after him, although it was his great grandfathers and was left to him or something of that nature.  Then again you can be exactly where you are meant to be in an awesome job, with a boss who appreciates you and knows what potential you have, puts you in the perfect places at a minutes notice and you absolutely love it, you go to work happy and come home happy.  This is awesome.  Just one question, are you happy, truly happy?  Perfect then, if not just make some adjustments and try not to be so uptight or maybe scheduled.  Maybe you need to relax or possibly take a breath.  I mean a real breath, fresh clean air.

Enjoy that sunrise or sunset that you have been missing.  Stop and smell those roses, lilies or whichever flowers you prefer, but just make sure you do it.  For me, I try to do that at least once a week, it makes things seem more realistic for me and grounded.  Life is way to short, not to enjoy the things we take for granted every day.  A simple smile, holding a door for the next person just a step or two behind you and the sun setting, which happens in the blink of an eye.

What would you do if the sun didn't come back up the next day?  Just a thought, or if no one held a door?  The world would become so irritable and crabby, nothing would grow without sunlight.  I posted the other day about people not stopping for pedestrians in a crosswalk which is a state law here in NY and that just makes me so sad to see.  It is a lack of respect in my eyes, not the fact that they don't see you.  People have no respect and are in such a hurry to get to where ever.  It just amazes me.  Slow down and enjoy life and think, how did I get here and am I truly happy, because you never know if you will be standing on the road while all the traffic is going by and no one will stop for you to let you cross, how fast are you going to get anywhere then, not very I'm thinking.  Respect life, you only have one, respect yourself, your health and others.  Live, love and laugh.

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