Full moon

Two days ago it started, more like Sunday on my crazy calendar.  I can write it down in Sharpie just knowing when I am going to get a phone call or something out of the ordinary is going to happen. A full moon cycle.  This is my favorite and least favorite time of the month rolled up into one.

People change, tides change, animals change, it all changes.   I don't even have to look at the moon phase calendar to know if the full moon is coming or not, oh believe me!  I will start getting phone calls from the ex-husband or ex-boyfriend to just "talk".  They want to say hi out of the blue and see how I am doing, you know, since I am sick quite often.  I mean seriously, like they ever cared before.  I know you care, but did you really care.  They were both they selfish type personality kind of men and yes, would ask and fully mean what they said when talking.  Although within two minutes of the conversation it would turn onto them and this is what I mean by being of the selfish type.  They always wanted the best for me, but in the long run ended up talking about themselves (bwahaha).  

Now mix this type with a full moon...holy crap and then call me; NO, crap, crap...don't call me!  I mean this is what they do.  I go through this every month like clockwork, like a woman on her menstrual cycle.  The agony, cramps and annoyingness.  Annoyingness, is that even a word? If it is or not my definition is just so overly annoying I would like to smack his mother for giving birth, and raising him as well as allowing him to be such an ignorant man as to annoy the crap out of any one person and then him.  The phone calls usually start the day before the actual full moon and last a few days.  They ask me crazy questions or talk about odd things.  Just random outbursts.  I try to ignore it and yes them until they get tired of talking and hang up.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, uh huh and gotta go, bye.  

Then next thing you know, I'm driving down the road and there they are, more of them.  The full mooners.  Not literally mooning me, just the people that change during this phase.  They come out and don't know how to act.  Heck, stay home!  I am just fine all the time, same person, I do not howl, nor growl hair.  I don't reminisce about the old days at midnight and light candles and make a wish, and hey  , if you do, more power to you, just don't cut me off driving please.  I would like to get to my destination just as safely as you would, because today that woman who cut me off in the little green car, well she was almost toast from the big old 18-wheeler that I was waiting for to pass you full mooner.  Oh, well maybe she just didn't know how to drive.  

I try to stay home during this time, because you know that saying, the freaks come out at night.  

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