Pure lunacy. What is wrong with people today? Oh, scratch that, people have been this way for years I know. Let me start again, what is going on? Everywhere I turn to read, just about anything lately it seems to be just off the wall, lunacy. I mean pure insanity. Yesterday I wrote about mothers abandoning children because I was reading about three or four different articles on people just leaving kids wherever they felt like it and today, well some lady decides she wants to steal her ex's sperm.
What next? Another John and Lorena Bobbit story or Joey Buttafuoco and his girlfriend, Amy, that tried to shoot his wife, hmm, wonder how they are all getting along these days? You do remember all those names now don't you?? The Bobbit guy became some famous porn star and as for the Buttafuoco I think they got a book deal. Come on already, let's see, chop off my husband's penis, throw it out the window for cheating or what have you, then he gets it surgically replaced, enhanced and now your a porn star...well gee, win, win for him.
As for the the later couple, she did time, but pretty sure a reality movie and book deal or some other drama was done from that whole scenario, oh, again, she lost, but came out with some money I suspect. As for Joey he did a whole list of stuff, so did they do it for the money to start off? What the heck is going on? You want publicity, go on Jerry Springer for Heaven's sake or some other well orchestrated TV daytime talk show. Don't be a fool, convict or murderer or just plain liar. It's pure lunacy I tell you, lunacy!
How does one become a lunatic? Are you born this way, bred this way or did you just wake up that Thursday afternoon and while sitting at the kitchen table drinking that piping hot cup of coffee decide, hmpf, today is the day, screw my job, family and all my friends, I'm done with all this shit. I am going to be a raging lunatic from here on in. Please, tell me, because I am just astounded by some people, I understand that there are people who "crack". Yes, I can totally understand that. Being physically or mentally abused for years and holding it in, then just one thing may happen and you snap. It may not even pertain to the situation. Absolutely it can happen. I do believe that.
In the case of someone stealing sperm, or a child or money, no way in my mind can I ever see someone not planning that out. You don't just get the urge one day. Here's a scenario: You're walking Fido in the park on Sunday, beautiful sunny day, people skating and riding bikes when all of a sudden, you need a sperm, right that instant...you decide to run to the local sperm bank, of course, not fully knowing this is where you ex donated his, and pretended to be someone else, and have to be inseminated right there on the spot. SERIOUSLY!! Oh, yeah, that totally works for me. It was like a craving for chocolate I had Saturday, with Cool Whip and Peanut Butter, only not.
Then you have the guy just strolling down the avenue listening to his 3rd generation iPod swaying, jamming out, looking in the windows thinking, boy that shirt would look sweet on me, yup, 200$, not for me, then keeps walking, sees the bank, walks in and robs it, why? For a shirt? Was is planned out? Did he really want a shirt or pay his bills, was he pissed at the bank for something they did prior, who knows. Maybe he never wanted anything but to see if he could do it. No one will ever know. Its all lunacy. There is a fine line between being insane and being a genius, so are these people insane, crazy and mad, or are they completely sane and pure genius. This is the old Wile E. Coyote vs. Road Runner routine in my eyes. As many times as you test it, it's always seems to be a draw even though the smarter (Road Runner) comes out on top.
All I know is that, every day I read the news and there are lunatics doing the craziest things. Are these people sane, of course, are they now, who knows. The question is how to separate the people who are just doing this for pure publicity and who isn't. Most of these people are sane and just want their 15 minutes of fame, well of course like everything else I blog about this is just my opinion.
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