Day by day

Day by day.  How do you live day by day.  From getting up from the first buzz of that annoying alarm clock for most of us or are you the type of person who doesn't need an alarm because you have been on  a schedule for so long that your body just wakes you up at the ass crack of dawn.  You hop out of bed energized and pee, or not.  Some up us, uh hemmmm, don't do this part so easy. Takes a few of us time, a few minutes to get up and rub those pretty eyes and roll over a time or two before deciding we need to get up, oh, unless of course the dog(s) decided to bug you for the last half hour or so.  COFFEE TIME!  Unless of course you're a tea drinker or a soda, energy drink or otherwise type person.  For me it's coffee.  Gotta have my cup o' joe.  I love the stuff. It's the little things in life I enjoy.

Weird as it may seem I couldn't stand the smell of coffee years ago, now I'm hooked.  When I was pregnant with my second child who will be 18, damn I feel old today, in exactly a month, I all of a sudden had this craving for coffee.  Well it never left.  Here I sit in Starbucks (today I was feeling Starbucks) writing this, coffee next to me, just thinking about this moment driving all the way here.  It has most definitely become a ritual every morning, afternoon, oh heck, you got me, evening too, but I have switched to decaf at night.  

What's next?  You take care of the animals?  Let them out, then back in and feed them, drink your coffee while reading the news, checking your email and social networks.  I'm just guessing here.  Go hop in the shower unless your the shower at night kind of person or shower twice a day.  Me, I can take a hot bath at night for a great soak and shower in the morning.  There's just something about trying to wash your hair in the bathtub that doesn't seem to sit well with me.  Babies and small children are one thing, but adults, whole different subject.

Go to work or well if you're not working, clean your already clean house because you did that yesterday, unless of course you're so depressed since you lost your job you've been wallowing in your own depressed thoughts and haven't done crap.  Yup, I know.  I tried on that suit for a few days, didn't fit.

The way I look at things now is, change.

Change it all, not all in one shot and not everything all the time.  Small changes and for the better.  You don't like it, well get up, get out and fix it.  You are the only one who can.  There is no one who will do it for you.  You will have family and friends who will be next to you and comfort you, but they can only help you so far.  You have to do the rest.  Like Nike, just do it.

Don't like the way your hair is, wash it, comb it, perm it or color it or cut it, even let it grow.  Many different options.  Don't like the way your jeans fit, well change what HOW you eat, not necessarily what you eat, learn to eat the correct way.  Don't like the way people look at you, change it.  Stop wearing sweats out of the house.  Feel like crap about yourself, get up get dressed and dress like a million bucks, it will make you feel better. Being happy about yourself surely reflects and its a start.  I can think of so many positive things and ways to start my day out and I do that I get asked a lot about it.

Just the other day my brother in law mentioned that it was the first time since he's known me, that he hasn't seen me smiling and in a down sort of mood, he was actually talking about it for about 20 minutes or so.  He was amazed.  He has never seen me this way.  I have known him for 30 years and we are close. I was at his and my sister's house quite often.  I mentioned that I couldn't take it anymore; I gave in.  I was on day 15 of a migraine and finally couldn't take it, the smiling hurt my head.  He was still in amazement because of knowing all the medical issues I have and that I just go on every day like nothing is wrong.  The way I see it, is that you can smile and live with it, or be miserable and live with it.  Why be miserable?  Misery loves company and only breeds more misery.  I sure don't wont this and to me it creates more pain, no way, I'm good thanks.  So I smile, besides I truly am happy, I'm alive.  

Day to day is what we have, we choose what we do and who we are with.  We choose how we live, where we live and how we live it.  If you you choose to be happy it is up to you all you have to do is change it.  Live, laugh and love.     

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