Blah blah blah

So I just got off the phone with my ex and he chewed my ear for about an hour.  I think I heard hi, how are you things like that then blah blah blah.  Not that I wasn't listening to him its just that after the first 20-30 minutes I was fine then it seemed like I was his therapist again.  I know I shouldn't think that way, but it really did feel that way up until the part where he wanted to reminisce about our entire marriage or should I say life together.

It started with just before the time we got married into when I was pregnant with our first and second daughters then when our youngest was colic and we had to put her on the dryer just to stop her from crying all day and night. Boy do I remember that one!  It then progressed into when he threw his back out next thing you know all I heard was the blah blah blah part.  It was almost as if I wasn't there.  I swear thats all I heard.

I guess a few minutes went by and I heard him say I really wish you were more religious during our marriage.  WHAT!, I said.  Now that I heard.  I had to come back with something after all I didn't get a word in the entire time.  Ok now I got a little frustrated with him and told him he really needed to stop preaching to me.  I don't go to church, but I do believe in God.  Should I go, probably, but I don't.  It doesn't make me a bad person.  But I asked him, "How many times during the course of our marriage did you go to church?" Dead silence on the other end.  I asked again and he said well I went about 3 weeks ago.  I was like, I didn't ask you that.  I asked him how many times while we were married.  He again well over the last year, blah blah blah.  Ok, hold it right there!  I said now stop the crap, none I said don't even start your preaching to me now that you think just because you go on a not so weekly basis.  He told me he has gone about 5 times in the last year.  I told him that was great and maybe he should go more often.

He proceeded to tell me how right I was about trying to tell me I wasn't religious and it didn't matter if I went to church or not and that he never went until this past year, blah blah blah.  WAIT!, I said.  Did he just say I was right, twice in one day, wow, I can't believe it.  I am going to mark this occasion down on the calendar in Sharpie marker.

That segment came and went and then he went back to the divorce and about how he could have done things different.  Well of course he could have, but he didn't so why linger on the past.  Just move forward, please.  There are some days that I just can't take the phone callas and other days where I am fine. I guess today, well it was one of those days where I just wanted to say I get it, yup, uh huh, yeah, I understand and most of all, blah blah blah.

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